Do Those Romance Companion Series Get too Ridiculous?

You know those companion novels that feature different girls in the same world/clique/friend group? The ones where the girl finds some insanely hot, brooding guy and either he changes her or she changes him and they fall in love. Then you read book two and […]

Prepare to Fall In Love (I’ll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios)

Prepare to Fall In Love (I’ll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios)

DAAAAAWWWW!! That’s all I can really say about this TOTALLY AMAZING book! It’s sweet, it’s addicting, and will make you completely fall in love! I have so much love for I’ll Meet You There—it’s hard to even put it into words. There’s heartbreak and tragedy. […]

How to Make Your Blog Future-Proof

You know what’s annoying? When you switch your WordPress theme but none of your old posts match your new design. You have images that no longer match, headings that are the wrong colours and fonts, etc. Luckily, there are two great ways to ensure a […]

#nosegraze Twitter Chat on Thursday: Moving from Blogger to WordPress

#nosegraze Twitter Chat on Thursday: Moving from Blogger to WordPress

Blogger is updating their policy starting March 23rd, 2015, and book bloggers are worried. The new policy states that you will no longer be allowed to share images and videos that are sexually explicit or show nudity. Some bloggers are worried because they read and […]

Review: Positively Beautiful by Wendy Mills

Review: Positively Beautiful by Wendy Mills

My thoughts for Positively Beautiful are all over the place. It’s extremely hard for me to pinpoint exactly how I feel! I think it’ll help to show you my enjoyment graph: As you can see, I started out LOVING the book. I really connected with […]

Review: The Conspiracy of Us by Maggie Hall

Review: The Conspiracy of Us by Maggie Hall

Do you ever start out thinking a book is TOTAL EPIC AMAZEBALLS and then it just loses its steam? Or suddenly you see the book in a whole other way and it’s less awesome than it was? For me, that was The Conspiracy of Us. […]

Harry Potter Sites, Top of the World, & End of the World

Harry Potter Sites, Top of the World, & End of the World

I know what you’re wondering… where the bloody hell has Ashley been??? I probably should have said something about my departure, but I didn’t. So there you go. Over the last ~9 days I’ve been parading around Europe and the UK with my fam! First […]

Review: A Wicked Thing by Rhiannon Thomas

Review: A Wicked Thing by Rhiannon Thomas

A Wicked Thing is my favourite fairy tale retelling in a long time! It felt like a breath of fresh air. It kept pretty true to the Sleeping Beauty story I knew, but it breathed some fresh life into it. There were subtle (and not […]

How to Add a Favicon to Your Blog

How to Add a Favicon to Your Blog

Today I’m going to guide you through how to add a custom favicon to your blog or website. 🙂 What is a favicon? A favicon is that little icon in the top left of your browser tab. Let’s take a look at some of the […]

New Designs, New Server, New UBB, SO MUCH NEW!

I’m really excited to share all of this week’s happenings with you guys. First, let’s dig into one of the most exciting… NEW DESIGNS! New Design Work You might have a big question mark over your head and be wondering, “Didn’t she stop taking on […]

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