It sucks when a series ends in disappointment

It sucks when a series ends in disappointment

I just spent WEEKS re-reading the entire Seven Realms series, then re-reading the first three books of the Shattered Realms series—all so I could read Deathcaster with the other books super fresh in my mind. Imagine my disappointment when after all that, Deathcaster ended up being my least favourite book out of all eight.

5 books on my current reading list

5 books on my current reading list

In the past I’ve never really kept a “reading list”. I’d finish a book, then go to my bookshelves and hunt for something new to read based on my mood. But lately I have actually started keeping a list of the books I’m really eager to get to. It’s not necessarily a fixed list that I insist I follow, but it’s definitely a guideline!

I Fell in Love With a Fantasy Series! (just like I hoped!)

When I talked about my reading goals for 2017 I said I wanted to fall in love with a new fantasy series… and I already have! Funnily enough, I also said this in that same post: “I’ve actually just started The Demon King, so it’s […]

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