Elusion by Claudia Gabel and Cheryl Klam

Elusion by Claudia Gabel and Cheryl Klam

What I liked The tech! I loved all the technology talk! It spoke to my inner nerd. There’s a lot of talk about tablets, visors, gadgets, and other elusion equipment. We get a bit of programming talk as well. If you’re not a tech nerd […]

Split Second by Kasie West

Split Second by Kasie West

A few things are completely undeniable. Most importantly, Kasie West knows how to rock romances. She’s a master at creating two characters with mouth-watering chemistry. It’s seriously incredible! I knew Addie and Trevor had it, but Laila and Connor… ohhh damn. Hot stuff! But I […]

Lost and Found by Nicole Williams

Lost and Found by Nicole Williams

For the most part, I really liked Lost and Found, but I wasn’t quite as crazy about it as I hoped I’d be. I loved the romance, Jesse was freaking amazing, the setting was great, but I did have a couple problems with it that […]

Blog Tour Review & Giveaway: The Liberator by Victoria Scott

Blog Tour Review & Giveaway: The Liberator by Victoria Scott

I have to admit, I was a little nervous going into The Liberator. The synopsis hints at a possible love triangle and I was dreading the thought of The Liberator suffering from “second book love triangle/relationship problems” syndrome. Luckily, that is so not the case! […]

Vortex by S.J. Kincaid

Vortex by S.J. Kincaid

Vortex didn’t quite have the same magic for me that Insignia did. It was still a good book, it just didn’t have me screaming and shrieking like an excited, insane girl. Vortex had a bit of a slower start and I didn’t get fully sucked […]

Review & Giveaway: Stung by Bethany Wiggins

Review & Giveaway: Stung by Bethany Wiggins

I really like the overall idea of Stung. Bees are on the verge of becoming extinct, so scientists genetically modify them, but then when they sting humans they give them deathly flu-like symptoms, then the scientists produce a ‘cure’ for this “Bee Flu”, which turns […]

Requiem by Lauren Oliver

Requiem by Lauren Oliver

I had a couple ups and downs with Requiem, but at the end of the day, I enjoyed it. It is an intense conclusion to the series, with a lot at stake, and a lot to fight for. The Resistance really dominates this book—struggling to […]

Blog Tour Review: Hooked by Liz Fichera

Blog Tour Review: Hooked by Liz Fichera

Hooked ended up being quite different from what I expected. The cover made me think it was going to be a hot, sexy romance, but I think it was more a story about overcoming bullying, dealing with hardships, and accepting that it’s okay to stand […]

Rouge by Leigh Talbert Moore

Rouge by Leigh Talbert Moore

What initially turned me onto Rouge is how much it sounded like the movie Moulin Rouge. If you’re not a fan of strong similarities, then I probably wouldn’t recommend this book, just because they are so similar. But I personally really like sticking to things […]

Half-Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Half-Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout

I guess it might be worth noting right off the bat that I have not read Vampire Academy. Everyone always compares these books but I can’t since I haven’t read VA. 😛 There, I’ve said it. Moving on. Overall, I really liked Half-Blood. It had […]

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