I’m Proud of What I’ve Accomplished in 2014

I’m Proud of What I’ve Accomplished in 2014

Posts on the blog: a breakdown I published 114 posts about blogging. I talked about books in 36 posts. I released 18 coding guides and tips. I graduated university and started a business Okay I didn’t really start my business in 2014, but I did […]

6 Things I Love About Graduating College

6 Things I Love About Graduating College

Today I’m graduating college and officially beginning my career as a freelance web designer/developer/whatever. In some ways this doesn’t feel like a huge moment because I haven’t had any classes since December 2013, so it almost feels like I graduated 6 months ago. But now […]

Excuse Me While I Go Get Hitched!

Excuse Me While I Go Get Hitched!

Hi everyone! With the exception of tomorrow, I’m taking the week off from posting. Tomorrow I graduate from university. FINAAAALLY! No more school! I feel like I’ve been waiting for this moment my whole life. Then, as soon as the ceremony is over (literally!) my […]

“You’ll Miss School in a Few Years”… Will I Though?

“You’ll Miss School in a Few Years”… Will I Though?

With my graduation from university fast approaching, I often make comments like this: “I’m SO ready to be done with school!” And that often gets met with replies like this: “You’ll miss it in a few years though ;)” I know a lot of people […]

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