Royal Bastards – AWESOME Fantasy Friendship Story!

Royal Bastards – AWESOME Fantasy Friendship Story!

I loved this story! Royal Bastards ended up being everything I hoped it would: Kingdoms Awesome, rebellious, brave characters Magic!! I think the best thing for me was the characters. There were five main ones and they were all fantastic in their own ways. They […]

Review: The Love Interest by Cale Dietrich

Review: The Love Interest by Cale Dietrich

The best part of the book was the romance. I really loved watching that story unfold and Caden slowly starting to realize that he’s gay and understand what his feelings mean. Loved that! The stuff I didn’t quite like… Juliet was boring. Caden has feelings […]

Review: Alex, Approximately by Jenn Bennett

Review: Alex, Approximately by Jenn Bennett

Alex, Approximately was the perfect blend of fun/fluff and intensity. On the fluff side, it was a super fun and sweet summer romance filled with awkward maybe-dating, summer jobs, and new best friends. But on the intense side, there were unresolved fears/traumas, trust issues, and […]

Review: Blood Rose Rebellion by Rosalyn Eves

Review: Blood Rose Rebellion by Rosalyn Eves

What I liked: Very cool setting! It starts in London and moves to Hungary. Plus we see a few other places along the way (Austria). It was really interesting how magic was intertwined with the class system. The rich get magic, the poor do not. […]

I Didn’t Love Hunted – It Was Weird :(

I Didn’t Love Hunted – It Was Weird :(

Hunted was the first 2017 book I read, and not liking it was hugely disappointing. 🙁 Not for me This was solidly a case of “not for me”. I don’t think Hunted was objectively bad, and I’m not going to tell anyone to avoid it. […]

A Romance That Takes Place in Tokyo! (Review: Seven Days of You)

A Romance That Takes Place in Tokyo! (Review: Seven Days of You)

Seven Days of You was… okay. To be honest, I think Tokyo was my favourite part about it. The setting added something extra to the book, and I think without that unique element it would have gotten a lower rating from me. The very nature […]

Long May She Reign by Rhiannon Thomas

Long May She Reign by Rhiannon Thomas

Facts: Long May She Reign is not really a romance. There are a few bits and pieces, but it’s ultimately sooo not the focus of the story, which is kind of appropriate. It seemed like it would be a fantasy book, but it’s not really. […]

Draaaagons! (The Dragon’s Price by Bethany Wiggins)

Draaaagons! (The Dragon’s Price by Bethany Wiggins)

WHAT A COOL IDEA!! ^ That’s the #1 thing I have to say about The Dragon’s Price. I looove the idea of this book. There are so many cool and exciting concepts! I won’t tell you about the most epic thing, because it’s not in […]

I Fell in Love With a Fantasy Series! (just like I hoped!)

When I talked about my reading goals for 2017 I said I wanted to fall in love with a new fantasy series… and I already have! Funnily enough, I also said this in that same post: “I’ve actually just started The Demon King, so it’s […]

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