Published by: Bloomsbury USA Childrens on March 26, 2013
Genre: Contemporary, Romance
Pages: 320
Source: NetGalley
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Rating: ★★★
When Mallory's boyfriend, Jeremy, cheats on her with an online girlfriend, Mallory decides the best way to de-Jeremy her life is to de-modernize things too. Inspired by a list of goals her grandmother made in 1962, Mallory swears off technology and returns to a simpler time (when boyfriends couldn't cheat with computer avatars). The List:
1. Run for pep club secretary
2. Host a fancy dinner party/soiree
3. Sew a dress for Homecoming
4. Find a steady
5. Do something dangerousBut simple proves to be crazy-complicated, and the details of the past begin to change Mallory's present. Add in a too-busy grandmother, a sassy sister, and the cute pep-club president—who just happens to be her ex's cousin—and soon Mallory begins to wonder if going vintage is going too far.
Going Vintage isn’t exactly a mind-blowing piece of work. It’s cute, it’s fluffy, it’s not quite perfect, and it’s a good “in-between” book—meaning it’s something you read in between amazing books, but it’s not an amazing book in itself.
I felt like Going Vintage started out quite strong for me: it was fun, quirky, and I loved Mallory’s voice. But towards the end, it definitely fizzled. I started getting a bit annoyed with Mallory and found her to be a stubborn, naïve girl. But before we dig into that, let’s go back and start with the good.
At first, I loved Mallory. She has this thing with lists. She loves lists. She makes lists of things to do, lists of good boyfriend qualities, lists of goals.. everything. Overall, I felt like Mallory’s voice really shone through the writing as fun and unique; it definitely pulled me into the story! And even though the whole “going vintage” thing was something I would never do, I kind of thought her little goal was cute, and I was curious to see how it would play out!
“Jeremy elopes with a flavor of gum and I’m the bad guy.”
I also enjoyed some of the family dynamics in the book. Mallory’s sister was a GREAT character and I liked the situation with Mallory’s grandmother. But the family dynamics were half good and half bad. I loved the points I just mentioned, but then I felt like the whole mother/father situation was really underdeveloped. Throughout the entire book I felt like I couldn’t quite figure it out.
Then, towards the end of the middle, Mallory started to piss me off. I hated she was OBSESSED with going online. Honestly, I’m not a big Facebook girl, so I thought it was a little pathetic how she felt like she needed “Friendspace” so she could know what her friends were doing at all hours of the day (practically her exact words). And at one point, she made plans with a friend, blew him off, and consciously made the decision to NOT call him and inform him that she wasn’t going to make it. And when he asked why, she thought to herself: “I’m flaky, that’s who I am.” Um, what? She said it like it was so cool and normal.. but she just came off as a complete brat! Then she was PISSED at her mom for what I thought was an insignificant reason. So what if her mom blogs about her family? I honestly didn’t think it was that big of a deal.. but maybe that’s because I am a blogger?
There were also times when I felt like the story dragged a little. I think after a certain point, the story lost a little bit of its charm and I was just ready for it to end.
But that being said, this wasn’t a bad book. It had some interesting parts to it, even though it wasn’t exactly a groundbreaking book. It’s certainly more of a “fluff” book, which is fine. Fluff books have their place too. It’s cute, it’s fun, and it’s a little different. I just think this is the kind of book you have to be in a certain mood for.
Just from your review, this girl irritates me. This does not sound like a good read for me. But the cover is so cute.
Yeah the cover is pretty adorable. 😀
Hm so not mind blowing hu? I guess I’ll pass on it. The story sounds cute, but “going vintage” wouldn’t be something I’d personally like to do so I don’t think I will enjoy reading about it.
But, you are the second one who mentions the family dynamics:) Love a good family background in YA!
Yeah I would never “go vintage” either in real life! I mean, no blogging? My brain does not comprehend this!
I actually really kind of loved this one! I just had a blast reading it but I can TOTALLY see why people were put off by Mallory. Her obsession with being online was kind of annoying, but I almost feel like that’s how a bunch of teens are nowadays (are they??? I don’t know teens but that’s my generalization for the day haha).
I had fun with the wit of it all and let’s face it. I swooned for Oliver. I loved him.
Great review! Lots of good points that I glossed over due to “lovin’ that book blindness” haha.
Haha I totally get that “Lovin’ that book blindness” sometimes too!!
I do see what you mean though. Loads of teens are like Mallory these days. I think it’s just hard for me to relate to since I’m not like that!
I’m really glad you enjoyed the book Brittany! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. 🙂
I haven’t read this yet but from what you’re sharing, Mallory does seem a bit spoiled and self-centered! Thanks for sharing, Ashley – I guess life would seem really strange if there is no internet.
I think I’ll probably read this when I’m in the mood for a light, fluffy, quick read. It sounds like fun, but not something you want to go into with high expectations. Wonderful review!
Based on your review I don’t think this is one book i’ll be picking up soon, it sounds like I’ll be interested in it at first and then be begging for the ending after like the first hundred pages..
Lily @ lilysbookblog
I really agree with you on this book, Ashley! This has gotten mostly 4/5 star reviews, but for me it was only 3 stars. It was cute and enjoyable, but Mallory as a character bothered me a lot. She was, for me, overdramatic and naive, and her logic was pretty flawed. I still had fun with this, though.
I think there is plenty of room for fluff books, but I don’t think this is one I would enjoy. Mallory sounds like the type of protagonist I can’t stand, which is hard to overcome in a contemp.
“Comfort/fluffy/warm” is a good rating, Ashley! This one had some really adorable moments where I wanted to wrap it up in a hug. I could see why Mallory was mad at her mother, but I do think she over-reacted a little bit – in that teenager way. And some of the family dynamic and mysteries were somewhat underdeveloped, yeah! But overall, I’m really glad you enjoyed GV.
Another person who read Going Vintage! This book is one of my FAV of all time and sadly, not a lot of people know about it…
I tried to make my older sister read it once and she had trouble getting into it; I guess she wasn’t in the right mood… Thinking about it now, I understand why some might not enjoy this book as much, but I read it two years ago when I was 15, so that might explain why I loved Going Vintage so much–> um, hello? Oliver?!?! THE perfect guy for younger me!:p
I also felt connected to Mallory because until recently, I wasn’t on Facebook, did not have a phone and I didn’t want neither. It’s the only book I’ve come across that had an MC againt technology like me (although not for the same reasons but that’s a detail…!)
At the time, I fell head over heels for Going Vintage and that’s the feeling I like to remember, but it’s always interesting to hear what others thought of it; it makes me reconsider a little…
Anyways, great review Ashley!
I’m so glad you loved this book so much Soophie!! 🙂 It’s nice to find a character you can relate to so well. 🙂 I hope I didn’t taint your memories of it!