So surely you guys remember the epic giveaway that Anna Moore and I had going on. 12 WordPress themes for free! Well, today we selected a winner… entry #20: Emily! We’ll be contacting her later today to give her details on the theme bundle, and the first theme that’s now available, Dinah. And that brings me to my next point…
Dinah is now available!
Our first theme, Dinah is now available to purchase on CreativeWhim.com. Anna and I are both super excited about this theme. It’s fun, unique, and has an insanely cool custom “About the Blogger” widget. Plus, we set up the title to use the beautiful Isabella script font (should you choose the “text” option for the header).
There are also some settings for changing the header placement, changing sidebar placement, adjusting the typography, and more!
If you’re as in love with Dinah as we are, then you can purchase it today for only $39.
Pre-order all our 2015 themes at a discounted price
Anna and I are planning on releasing twelve themes in 2015. Dinah is just the first! You may remember seeing a few teasers in the year of themes giveaway image.
So for all you theme-lovers out there, Anna and I have created a pretty awesome deal. You can pre-order all of our themes by purchasing the 2015 Theme Bundle. Each theme will be individually priced at $39, which gives the bundle a total value of $468. However, we’re offering a special price of $144, which is a discount of about 70% off! That’s pretty darn sweet. If you like to change your theme often, this is a perfect deal for you!
When you purchase the bundle, you’re basically pre-ordering our themes for the year. You will receive each new theme as it is released. Then, for the final two themes of the year (November and December 2015) we have something special in store. We’ll send an email to everyone who pre-ordered the bundle, asking for your thoughts, preferences, and input. You’ll be able to help shape the design and functionality of these last two themes. This is an exclusive opportunity, only available to those who snag the bundle!
WHOOHOO!! THANK YOU SO MUCH LADIES!! ^^ I’m so excited to put Dinah into action, I’m setting her up for my personal blog!! <3 Once again thank you so much! 😀
Our pleasure! 😀
My heart is broken for I didn’t win and I can’t afford all the precious *sobs*
That theme is beautiful! I do like the about the blogger/navigation side bar you have there. I can’t wait to see the reveal for the others.
I’m so glad you like it Stephanie! 😀
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