Designer Interview: Christin Thomas from Studio CT

Designer Interview: Christin Thomas from Studio CT

It’s time for another interview with a web designer! Today we have Christin Thomas from Studio CT here to chat with us. šŸ™‚ Ashley Hi Christin! Can you tell us a bit about yourself? šŸ™‚ Christin Hi Ashley. First let me just say thank you […]

Designer Interview: Parajunkee

Designer Interview: Parajunkee

I’m pleased to welcome Rachel from Parajunkee on the blog today. We’re going to learn all about her design business and processes! Ashley Hi Rachel! Thanks for stopping by today. šŸ™‚ Can you tell us a bit about yourself? Rachel Hey Ashley, Iā€™m Rachel, I […]

Designer Interview: Stephanie from New Chapter Designs

Designer Interview: Stephanie from New Chapter Designs

I’m very pleased to welcome Stephanie from New Chapter Designs today! She’s the next wonderful victim designer in the designer interview series. Ashley Hiya Stephanie! Tell us a bit about yourself. Stephanie Hi Ashley! Well, I blog about books, with my sister, at These Paper […]

Designer Interview: Anna Marie Moore

Designer Interview: Anna Marie Moore

Hey all! I’m really excited to continue the designer interview series! Today we have Anna from Anna Marie Moore Designs. Ashley Hiya Anna! Tell us a bit about yourself. Anna Hi Ashley! I am a Florida native who moved last year to Memphis, TN. I […]

Designer Interview: Hazel from Stay Bookish

Designer Interview: Hazel from Stay Bookish

I’m really excited to share a brand new designer interview series with you guys! I have a couple interviews with designers lined up and hopefully more are on the way. šŸ˜‰ I’ve chosen a few designers in the book blogging community and we’re going to […]

I’m Honeymooning in Egypt!

I’m Honeymooning in Egypt!

Coding God and I are currently in EGYPT for our honeymoon! We got married in July but held off on our honeymoon until now in hopes of catching slightly cooler weather in Egypt. We’ll be gone until about the 13th, so I won’t be posting […]

Sitting at Starbucks – Post Your Reviews to Goodreads Automatically

New Books Blood Promise by Ashley Robertson Goodreads The Aftermath by Jen Alexander Goodreads I’m really excited for both these books! Ashley Robertson always rocks my world, and I think The Aftermath is going to be one giant nerdgasm. VIDEO GAMES!! Review to Goodreads I’ve […]

Armchair BEA 2012 Blogger Interview

Armchair BEA 2012 Blogger Interview

I’m participating in this year’s Armchair BEA! This online event is perfect for people who desperately wish they could attend Book Expo America, but are unable to for whatever reason. Armchair BEA is all about networking and getting to know your fellow bloggers! If you […]

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