Review: The Cage by Megan Shepherd

Review: The Cage by Megan Shepherd

The Cage is like my diamond in the rough. I almost didn’t even request this book. I downloaded all the HarperCollins books I wanted on Edelweiss and passed on The Cage. A few days later, I decided to come back and grab it. I’M SO […]

Review: Little Peach by Peggy Kern

Review: Little Peach by Peggy Kern

The first line of Little Peach was: You ask me to tell you the truth, but I’m not sure you’ll believe me, even though I’ve practically killed myself to find you. Little Peach And my reaction was: “Oh dear lord. Please don’t have the main […]

Rebel Spring by Morgan Rhodes

Rebel Spring by Morgan Rhodes

I have to admit, the first half of Rebel Spring bored me. It wasn’t horrible, but I wasn’t excited about it. My lack of interest and enthusiasm was clear, and I had forgotten a lot of what happened in Falling Kingdoms, which didn’t help things. […]

Shades of Earth by Beth Revis

Shades of Earth by Beth Revis

Death will come on swift wings to whomsoever opens this book. This. Book. Has. So. Much. Death. Beth Revis is like a fiction mass murderer. I did not expect so many people to die in Shades of Earth. It’s written like a realistic war book. […]

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