Review: Heart of Iron – a sci-fi Anastasia

Review: Heart of Iron – a sci-fi Anastasia

I was actually fully prepared to give Heart of Iron 4 stars because I enjoyed it a lot, but then I didn’t like how things turned up in the end. I really didn’t like who turned into a bad guy. Ending spoiler: It just kind […]

Review: Honor Among Thieves by Ann Aguirre and Rachel Caine

Review: Honor Among Thieves by Ann Aguirre and Rachel Caine

Honor Among Thieves was a good book (and OMG look at that cover!) but sadly I didn’t really connect with it the way I hoped I would. This led to me being indifferent about the book overall. I didn’t love it, but I didn’t hate […]

If You Loved Illuminae, Read Defy the Stars Next!

If You Loved Illuminae, Read Defy the Stars Next!

I kind of got Defy the Stars on a whim. I got one of those emails from NetGalley that was all like, “READ NOW for the first 500 members!” Those emails always make me panic. Normally, before I get anything from NetGalley I put it […]

Addicted to Space Travel Books

Addicted to Space Travel Books

I have been on one hell of a science fiction binge lately and it all started with Illuminae. I’ve actually had an ARC of Illuminae sitting around since BookExpo America 2015. I just never read it. I think I was intimidated by two things: The […]

DNF: Dangerous by Shannon Hale

DNF: Dangerous by Shannon Hale

I thought that Dangerous—a supposed young adult book—sounded intriguing and intense with a hint of romance. I was PSYCHED! Well, it turns out this is so not young adult. My first impression was: this book is really rushed. All within about 15 pages we have […]

Avalon by Mindee Arnett

Avalon by Mindee Arnett

Avalon is a really unique book in the world of young adult books, and is perfect for sci-fi fans! There are very few YA books out there like this.. if any! When I first started reading, I felt like I was playing Star Wars: The […]

Shades of Earth by Beth Revis

Shades of Earth by Beth Revis

Death will come on swift wings to whomsoever opens this book. This. Book. Has. So. Much. Death. Beth Revis is like a fiction mass murderer. I did not expect so many people to die in Shades of Earth. It’s written like a realistic war book. […]

A Million Suns by Beth Revis

A Million Suns by Beth Revis

This book is a great example of a sequel that is even BETTER than the first book! A Million Suns even starts off with a totally mind-blowing bang! When I first read the Goodreads summary (which is like 1/3rd the length of the above summary […]

Across the Universe by Beth Revis

Across the Universe by Beth Revis

Since starting my blog, this is the first book I’ve read that I absolutely adored but feel like I have no idea how to review! It just left me in awe and I feel like no words can describe my love for this book. So […]

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