If You’re a Stressed Book Blogger, Why are You Doing It?

If You’re a Stressed Book Blogger, Why are You Doing It?

Do you know what makes me legitimately sad? When I see bloggers doing things they clearly don’t want to be doing. I see bloggers getting OVERWHELMED. I see bloggers stressed out about all the reviews they “have” to write but haven’t written yet. I see […]

5 Things I Need to Change About My Business

5 Things I Need to Change About My Business

In many ways, the launch of Ultimate Book Blogger v3 has been amazing. But in some ways it’s actually been pretty bad, and has highlighted a few things that I need to change about the way I do business ASAP. 1) I need a staycation… […]

Review: Better Than Perfect by Melissa Kantor… was less than perfect

Review: Better Than Perfect by Melissa Kantor… was less than perfect

Guys, I’m disappointed. I loved Melissa Kantor’s other book Maybe One Day SO much! …But I didn’t love Better Than Perfect. I felt like I just read through six months of Juliet’s life and nothing really happened. Sure there were a couple moments, but ultimately […]

Being a Customer is Hard

Being a Customer is Hard

I think I’ve spent so much time being a seller and provider that I’ve forgotten how ridiculously hard it can be to be a customer. This is me as a seller when a customer comes to me with a problem: “Calm down, don’t worry, I’ll […]

Breaking Up With ARCs – Why ARCs Aren’t “All That”

Breaking Up With ARCs – Why ARCs Aren’t “All That”

ARCs are a huge thing in the book blogging world. So many bloggers look forward to getting them, or aspire to make publisher contacts so they can get them. That used to be me, but I’m finally beginning to realize that ARCs aren’t “all that”. […]

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