I Gutted My Database to Create a Better Book Review System

Confession: Nose Graze has never used the Ultimate Book Blogger plugin. That’s because the creation went like this: Start the Nose Graze blog. Build my own system for formatting book reviews and archives using Advanced Custom Fields. I literally did this on day one of […]

I Love GPL Because…

First, a little background for those less familiar with GPL: WordPress is licensed under something called GPL. There’s a lot of text in that licensing document, but the gist of it is this: You are free to view and edit the code. You are free […]

Automatically Apply an EDD Discount Code Based on Cart Contents

This tutorial can probably be achieved with the Discounts Pro extension (affiliate link). And while I’m all for supporting the folks at EDD, sometimes you just don’t feel like shelling out money for something. I struggled for a silly amount of time with whether or […]

Automatically Send New Email Subscribers an EDD Discount Code

This tutorial uses ActiveCampaign and Easy Digital Downloads. It can probably be achieved with other platforms, but my guide doesn’t reflect that. On my new Novelist plugin website I wanted to send all new email subscribers a 10% off coupon code as a thank you […]

How WordPress Theme Templates Work

How WordPress Theme Templates Work

WordPress themes are composed of pieces rather than a single file (as you may see in Blogger). These pieces are composed of multiple different files that are made up of HTML, CSS, and PHP code. Depending on which page you’re viewing on a WordPress site […]

How to Create Your Own Custom UBB Plugin Field (Book Setting)

How to Create Your Own Custom UBB Plugin Field (Book Setting)

This is a PHP coding tutorial. I’ve done my best to make the guide as easy to follow as possible, but I still recommend that you be fairly comfortable with code (or at least FTP) before attempting this. The Ultimate Book Blogger plugin already has […]

Create an Image Select Control for the WordPress Customizer

I recently found myself in need of an image select field in the Customizer. The Customizer already has some great options built in like radio boxes, select boxes, and so on. But I wanted images to give users a more visual representation of their choices. […]

Tutorial: Using the Customizer to Add Settings to Your WordPress Theme

Since I’m working on migrating all my theme settings to the Customizer I thought I’d start a tutorial series on how to create your own settings. In this tutorial I’m going to be building custom settings into a Twenty Twelve child theme, but of course […]

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