This was by far my most exhausting year at BookExpo. I’m not even sure why… I was just so tired all the time! I think this led to me being a bit anti social at the actual event. I pretty much just stuck to my own thing and didn’t interact a whole lot with other people. If I did meet you, this would also explain why I was probably a bit quiet and not so chatty. Sorry! On Friday I actually walked back to my hotel for a quick nap in between signings.
Anyway, despite all that, I was really happy with how things turned out. Initially I was worried that there weren’t going to be many books I was interested in, but I was so wrong! In fact, this was my fifth year there and I got the second most amount of books I’ve ever gotten (only beaten by my very first year). I’m extremely excited about all of them.
I also spent some time chatting with the director of Swoon Reads, who was super nice and had some great ideas. After talking with her I definitely want to spend more time checking out their website and blog.
Book haul
Books marked with an asterisk (*) below are signed.
Last year seemed like a lot of contemporary books and this year feels like a lot of sci-fi. That is SO exciting to me because I’m on a massive sci-fi/space binge right now.
I’ve already read Warcross and it was everything I hoped it would be! I definitely recommend it! My next read is Unearthed, which I’ve just started.
It seemed like the line management was so much better this year. It was less chaotic and publishers seemed better set up to deal with lines forming in advance and whatnot. There were even a few lines for galley giveaways, which was kind of nice.
Other things I did in New York
This year I did the most sightseeing I’ve ever done in New York City. I never felt a huge urge to do much touristy stuff, but this time I brought my husband along and he’d never been to NYC. So we did a bunch of sightseeing for him, but I really enjoyed it too.
We walked pretty much everywhere. Our first day we walked like 8 miles!
- We walked the High Line.
- Visited the One World Trade Center and went to the observation deck on the 102nd floor.
- Went to the 9/11 memorial.
- Took a boat ride and went up to the Statue of Liberty.
- Walked around Central Park.
- Went to the Natural History Museum. Funny story, we saw that huge rock for sale for $2500 and I jokingly took that picture, sent it to my mom, and said, “Can you ask dad if I can put this on his credit card?” She replied saying, “Sure” which I thought was also a joke. But when we met up later, my mom goes, “Where’s your rock?” Turns out she was totally serious in saying “Sure” because they hadn’t seen the price tag at the bottom. Haha!
- Saw Wonder Woman and the whole family loved it!
We also went to two plays: Hamilton and Anastasia. Both were fantastic!
I love the story about the rock. That would be hilarious if you showed up with a $2500 rock when you got home and said, “Oh, I thought you said I could buy it.” 🙂 Sounds like BEA was organized well this year. Was it much less busy than in the past or pretty much the same?
I know right! That would have been so funny. It was huge as well. Like if it was on the ground it would probably come up past my knees.
Honestly I didn’t really notice if it was less busy. It felt the same as last year, but maybe last year was less busy than the year before because it was in Chicago. I don’t really remember what 2015 was like in NYC to compare that to this year.
I do think they made the good decision to ticket a few authors that weren’t ticketed in the past, like last year Heartless by Marissa Meyer was an in-booth signing (or maybe it was a giveaway?) so that was an INSANE crowd/line. But this year Renegades by Marissa Meyer was in the autographing area *and* ticketed, which was a great decision. So stuff like that really helps keep the booth area more organized. The craziest YA signing this year was probably Leigh Bardugo. I’m surprised that wasn’t ticketed, but I think Penguin RH did a good job with line management this year.
I just read another blogger’s recap post where she said she thought it was a less crowded, or at least that the demographic had changed and that there were fewer young bloggers. In hindsight maybe I can see that as being true. I just suck at judging these things. 😛
I’m glad this year was a better experience for you. The story about your rock was hilarious. Was your mom shocked when you told her the price? Too funny!
Yep! I think she was glad I didn’t actually buy it. 😀 It was pretty hilarious though!
I didn’t get to BEA this year, but I’ll be interested to see your thoughts on Unearthed and Invictus! I’m glad you liked Anastasia. I haven’t seen it yet, but I love the movie it’s based on. Congrats on surviving BEA & New York (and having fun too)!
Invictus sounds so cool!
One thing that was cool about Anastasia was how they used some of the same songs that were in the movie, but put them in totally different places. It was cool to see them fitting in different contexts.
27 HOURS!!!!!! I’m so excited for that one! And I’ll have to look up a lot of the others you got. I’ve been so out of the loop this year, I don’t even feel like I know what’s coming out anymore. Looks like you had a blast! I wish I could have been there. Maybe next year!
I was blown away by all the amazing sounding books! I can’t believe how many I got. O_O
I couldn’t afford to go this year. 🙁 I am so jealous of Berserker. I want to meet Emmy Laybourne so bad! I’m intrigued about Otherworld. It’s my Can’t Wait Wednesday post today. Looks like you had a great time! I’m hoping maybe I can go next year.
Aw I’m sorry Lisa. 🙁 Maybe next year!
Otherworld sounds super cool, doesn’t it? I’m glad it made your list!
Ahhhh I’m so jealous that you have a copy of Girls Made of Snow and Glass, it’s one of my most anticipated novels of 2017! I can’t wait to see your thoughts!
I’ve never been to BEA, but it looks like a lot of fun! I was wondering if you knew the minimum age requirement for attending? I think they’re site says it’s 18 if you’re not accompanying an adult in the field, but I’ve seen bloggers younger than that attending by themselves???
Haha it’s a good thing for your mom that you weren’t asking seriously! That is one expensive rock though…
Eeeks! I hope you love it when it comes out! 🙂
Honestly I’m not clear on the exact age rules. But I can tell you that a few years ago one of my 15-year-old friends attended without a guardian. She asked me if I would hang out with her and be her “adult in the field” if necessary and I said yes, but no one ever asked us to confirm/verify that so it didn’t end up being necessary (we did hang out anyway though!).
So if you’re interested in going, I guess I’d recommend doing exactly that. Find a friend in the community who’s over 18 and is also going. Ask if you can tag along with them and if they can be your “adult”. It may not end up being necessary, but it’s a good idea. And you may want to email the BEA folks to double check that’s okay so you don’t end up getting turned away at the last minute.
Yeah, I think I’ll try that out in the future! Thank you so much for the advice!
Haha, bringing home that rock would have been funny, but damn, that’s expensive! I still need to see Wonder Woman (I hear SUCH good things about it, but I have to study and probably won’t be able to go until somewhere next week… or later).
I’m glad you had fun at BEA, but it sucks that you felt so tired! Hope you feel better now! It sounds (and looks) as if you had a wonderful time though 🙂 This is going to sound so silly, but going to BEA is one of my dreams.Well, BEA and visiting NYC is a dream of mine haha. I figured if I go I’ll cross off both things off my bucket list at one, but so far every year my exams are at the exact same date. Plus traveling there from the Netherlands is expensive as hell… mainly the staying costs. Ah well, maybe I’ll see you there next year! (a girl can dream).
That doesn’t sound silly at all! That’s exactly how I felt before I’d gone to BEA the first time. In fact, it still feels like a dream come true every time I go. I hope you’re able to make it there one day. 🙂 But I totally understand about it being expensive. I travel over there from the UK and it’s definitely not cheap! And then of course NYC isn’t a cheap place either. But I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you. 🙂 One day!
No wonder you’re tied. Look at all the adventures you had while there. If I ever make it to BEA, I think my.hubby would want to come too so we could sight see as well. He’d probably got to a sporting event while I was at BEA. I’m really eager to see the 9/11 Memorial, Statue of Liberty and see something on Broadway.
This sounds like you had a great trip even though you were tired. I would love to go to BEA and having it in New York was perfect for your family vacation. Your rock story is funny and I hope it was a large rock for that price lol. I can’t wait to read Warcross so it’s good to hear you enjoyed it.
Wouldn’t they have been surprised if you had purchased it! It looks like you had a great trip. I have yet to go to NYC. Someday maybe. It’s always a plus when the publishers know how to get their excited fans organized!
Hi Ashley! Looks like you had a great time…and all that sight-seeing 🙂 I’m so glad I got to meet you, if only briefly while on line on Thursday (I don’t know if you even remember, but I was the one sitting right behind you – the one who had gone to London for Christmas?) Anyway…it’s so amazing how different everyone’s experiences are at the same show. I only ended up getting one of the books you got – Code Girls…it looks really good!
How was Anastasia? That’s a play I’ve been thinking of going to see.
Hope you have a great summer and perhaps we’ll run into each other again next year!
Yes I remember you Kristin! It was lovely chatting with you. 🙂
And yes you’re right! It’s very fun to see how different everyone’s experiences are. I loved looking at other peoples’ hauls to see how they all differ (or are similar).
Anastasia was wonderful! It was exactly what I hoped it would be. I thought it was very interesting how they used some of the same songs but put them in totally different places in the story – but it really worked!
It looks like you had a great time! I’ve never been to New York and I’d love to use BEA as a motivator to go one year! I go to YallWest and other West Coast events every year but I feel like BEA has such a different vibe! I’m glad you were able to also take time to experience the city and take time for yourself this year!