Blogger is updating their policy starting March 23rd, 2015, and book bloggers are worried. The new policy states that you will no longer be allowed to share images and videos that are sexually explicit or show nudity. Some bloggers are worried because they read and review erotica, and those books often have “sexually explicit” book covers.
There is a small exception in the new policy, as stated below:
Note: We’ll still allow nudity if the content offers a substantial public benefit, for example in artistic, educational, documentary, or scientific contexts.
You’d think book covers would classify as an “artistic context”, but you never know, do you? These are Google’s rules and they can enforce them however they see fit.
Let’s talk about moving to WordPress
This change has spurred a mass migration to WordPress. Bloggers are worried and want to take appropriate steps to have full control over their content. That means going self-hosted. But going self-hosted can seem incredibly daunting and confusing. How do you do it? How do you pick a web host? Will you lose your followers?
I want to answer your questions and eliminate your worries! That’s why I’m hosting the first #nosegraze Twitter chat about moving from Blogger to WordPress.
#nosegraze Twitter chat on Feb 26th
This Twitter chat will take place on Thursday, February 26th at 9PM GMT. That’s 4PM US Eastern time and 1PM US Western time. Be sure to join in and follow along with the hashtag #nosegraze
Your questions—answered!
My goal is to answer all your questions about the migration process and relieve your stress and worries. But to keep the ball rolling, I’ve put together a list of questions that I’ll be asking during the chat:
- Q1: Why are you interested in moving to WordPress?
- Q2: If you move to WordPress, will you want to keep your same blog design?
- Q3: What’s your biggest worry or fear about moving to WordPress?
- Q4: What matters most to you in a web host? Speed? Reliability? Customer service? Do you have any hosting recommendations?
- Q5: What excites you the most about WordPress?
Hosting discounts to ALL participants!
I’m really excited to say that I’ll be offering a discount on Book Host to everyone who joins the Twitter chat! If you sign up with Book Host, you’ll get 50% off your first 3 months of hosting. (Note that domains are not included in the discount. Those are full price. But the monthly hosting fee is discounted.)
For details on how to get this awesome discount, tune into the #nosegraze chat on Thursday! 😉
Who can join?
Whether you’re on WordPress or not, I’d LOVE to have you join the Twitter chat! My goal is to talk to people who are on Blogger and want to move to WordPress, but even WordPress users can join in and help answer some of the questions. Hopefully we can work together to give advice and put everyone’s mind at ease. 🙂
I love this! I’ll definitely be tuning in on Thursday cuz I’ve got questions! Not about moving to Wordress, exactly, but about moving from BlueHost to BookHost.
I can’t wait to see you there!! I can definitely answer those questions. 😉
If we don’t have the opportunity to do so during the chat, we can always arrange a time to hop on my live chat program together or you can send me an email.
I can’t wait! I will be there for sure.
Fantastic, Shamika! See you there! 🙂
This is a great idea. I recently moved from Blogger to WordPress and I found your guide to be invaluable. It wasn’t anywhere near as scary as I thought it would be.
I’m so glad to hear that! Hopefully I’ll be able to make others feel comfortable about the process too. 🙂
I’m glad I jumped ship on Blogger a while ago. 😛 I am thinking of transferring to Bookhost in the future though. 🙂
Like I said before, I’m not sure about the switch, but when I hear things like this it always makes me a little worried.. I will be following the chat for sure!
Hopefully we can get rid of all those worries during the chat. 😉
This is great idea! I’m already on WordPress, but for those that are nervous this could be a great resource!
We’d love to see you there! 😉
I would love to attend twitter chat. I hope I will be able to make it. I have a lot of questions (worries) about possibility of migrating from Blogger…
oh this sounds amazing!! and I am going to miss it… we will be driving to California at that time!! 🙁 so bummed i miss the chat and the discount!! 🙁 🙁
Aww, bummer! 🙁 Maybe we’ll do a second one sometime!
I hope I can be awake for this! Or, well, not in school, at least! 😀
I’m in! I’ve been toying with the idea of moving to WordPress for ages, but always shy away because the whole process seems so daunting.
Can’t wait to see you there, Kerry!
I’ll be there!! Can’t wait to start the process of changing over!!