Review: Whatever Life Throws at You by Julie Cross

Review: Whatever Life Throws at You by Julie Cross

Remember that amaaaazing book I read recently: I’ll Meet You There? Well, I finished that book and I was HUNGRY. I wanted another adorable, heart-wrenching romance that would sweep me off my feet. So I turned to Twitter and begged for suggestions. One awesome gal […]

DNF Review: The Sweet Spot by Stephanie Evanovich

DNF Review: The Sweet Spot by Stephanie Evanovich

I stopped reading at the 32% mark. I noticed pretty early on that The Sweet Spot was like 100% telling and 0% showing. The sequence of events is just laid out with no emotion, no “moments”, no personality—nothing real. It’s literally like: Amanda meets Chase. […]

The Game Changer by J. Sterling

The Game Changer by J. Sterling

In many ways, The Game Changer feels more like a novella than a full on book. The first 35% consists of: Jack recapping his side of the story. In The Perfect Game there are 6 months that are unaccounted for. Jack is doing who the […]

The Perfect Game by J. Sterling

The Perfect Game by J. Sterling

I had two pretty big problems with The Perfect Game that brought down the book for me: #1: How quickly the relationship starts The first few chapters of the book are all about Cassie hating Jack. She knows Jack is a playboy and he keeps […]

Review & Giveaway: Dare You To by Katie McGarry

Review & Giveaway: Dare You To by Katie McGarry

Dare You To is an emotional whirlwind of a book that fans of Pushing the Limits are sure to love! Was it as amazing as Pushing the Limits? Well, I personally enjoyed Noah and Echo’s story more. But Dare You To was still a strong […]

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