Change the Width of WordPress Dashboard Columns

Most users are aware of the new 3.8 update. With this update, came a brand new admin interface! I personally love the change. It makes WordPress feel so much more modern. The admin interface has been the same for many years, and it was […]

Disable Thumbnail Generation in WordPress

Hi Ashley! When I upload new images for review posts and such, WordPress creates a thumbnail media file for that image. I was just wondering if that’s necessary or if there is a way that I can turn that off. Thanks Laura Ashlee Hi Laura! […]

Learning How to Convert a Design into HTML/CSS

I have been designing blog themes in a program similar to Photoshop but now that I am trying to convert my designs to CSS/HTML & it’s not going well. Any tips, advice or tutorials would be very helpful. Thanks, Elizabeth Hi Elizabeth! Unfortunately it’s kind […]

How to Link to Sections Within a Post

If you like to neatly organize your posts into “section”, then listen up! Hey, Ashley. So, this is reeeaaaally embarrassing for me because I consider myself pretty computer/coding savvy, and I totally used to know how to do this, but I seem to have forgotten […]

How to Add a Drop Down Menu Navigation in Blogger

I have been trying to create drop down menus in blogger like your blog has for your reviews. I have tried a couple different tutorials and nothing seems to be working. Do you know how to do this? Thanks so much for your help, Ashley! […]

Introduction to CSS: Making Theme Changes

How to make theme changes I have a great question from Jessica to share with you guys! This one is about navigating stylesheets and making theme changes in WordPress: I feel like I know my way around WordPress pretty well, but the stylesheet scares me. […]

How to Make a WordPress Child Theme (and why you should)

We have a great question this week for all you who are using pre-made WordPress themes! What are the benefits of using WordPress child themes? I’m afraid to try to tweak my “functions” or “themes” files. Is there an easy way to make a child […]

How to Add Google Friend Connect to Your WordPress Blog

Read My Disclaimer This tutorial is intended for people who are moving from Blogger to WordPress (or have recently moved) and are afraid of losing all their followers. I do NOT recommend WordPress users doing this if they don’t have a large following on Google […]

BBB Question Roundup

So sometimes I get BBB questions that only require a one paragraph or less answer, and I have a hard time justifying dedicating an entire post to that question! So I thought I’d merge a few together and do a bit of a roundup! Table […]

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