Review & Giveaway: Find Me by Romily Bernard

Review & Giveaway: Find Me by Romily Bernard

HACKING?!?! THIS IS SO AN ASHLEY BOOK!! I seek out hacking/computer/nerd/programmer books like a moth to the flame. For me, it’s like a bonding session with my fellow epic computer nerds. It’s awesome. And Find Me was just like that, but it also had a […]

Premeditated by Josin L. McQuein

Premeditated by Josin L. McQuein

Premeditated was everything I hoped it would be! Dinah goes “under cover” at a fancy prep school to find the boy who caused Clare to slit her wrists. She carefully observes the students to find the culprit, his friends, the ones he cares about.. so […]

Wait for You by J. Lynn

Wait for You by J. Lynn

The goal: a good romance book. The plan: read for an hour (starting at 11:30pm). The result: up until 4am finishing the book. On the surface, Wait for You looks like all the new adult books that have been done before, and in some ways […]

Losing Hope by Colleen Hoover

Losing Hope by Colleen Hoover

Losing Hope and I didn’t quite start off on the best foot, but it quickly corrected itself and rocked hard from there! I didn’t like Holder at the beginning of Losting Hope. The first thing he does is threaten a guy because he’s cheating on […]

Pretty Girl-13 by Liz Coley

Pretty Girl-13 by Liz Coley

Pretty Girl-13 completely took me by surprise! This book is really heavy. It’s dark, gritty, and deals with some seriously intense issues. I adored this book, but not in the usual girly, giddy, fan-girl-scream way. I adored Pretty Girl-13 in the sense that it really […]

Going Under by S. Walden

Going Under by S. Walden

Before reading this review or considering reading the book, take the content warning seriously. This book is heavy. It deals with rape, depression, plotting to be raped, consensual sex, and other illegal activities (underage drinking/drug use). Going Under is an incredible and fabulous book, but […]

Rouge by Leigh Talbert Moore

Rouge by Leigh Talbert Moore

What initially turned me onto Rouge is how much it sounded like the movie Moulin Rouge. If you’re not a fan of strong similarities, then I probably wouldn’t recommend this book, just because they are so similar. But I personally really like sticking to things […]

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